Thursday, July 2, 2009

Big Boy beds

This is how it started...I laid the boys down in their beds for their afternoon nap......and THIS is how I found them when I walked in!!! YES, they BOTH learned to get in and out the baby bed. So I thought I would leave them and surely they would just wear out....

but nope, this is how I found the room after listening to the destruction for over and hour..........

and even more damage............

So Brent and I spent the afternoon transitioning their beds into toddler beds. We did our normal night time routine and after an hour and a half, this is how we found the sweet angels. This is seriously one of the sweetest things I have ever seen......we just sat and stared at them

1 comment:

Johnny, Lisa and Lucy Little said...

Oh my stars!!! How sweet are they?!?!?! They are getting so big. I love them so!!!