Thursday, June 25, 2009


Today was a VERY big day for Brennon...well for that matter, me too! Brennon got his first haircut today! He was SUCH a big boy and did great! I on the other hand, well, we won't even go there..haha! I did fine until it was over and I looked at him all grown looking and that was it for me....I lost it!!! I could not believe how old my babies were getting and this was one of the first big milestones for them! I never dreamed these little things would have SO MUCH power over me. I have never known more, pride, fear, sadness, happiness and joy all at one time..all over a haircut! 8-) Even more than yesterday, or the day before or more than 19 months ago, I love and adore EVERY thing about being a mom.

He was REALLY enjoying the sucker!!!!

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