Monday, February 11, 2008


So, I have to share a funny some of you know, I am HORRIFIED of bad weather, well one of these stormy days recently the sirens were going off and the tv was saying funnel clouds had been spotted on both sides of it goes without saying that I was freaking out (bring back memories, Penny???) It was right at time to feed the little men so I decided we needed to move to the bathroom. Well, I take their bottles, diapers, blankets, toys, etc and load us up in the bathroom, then I get the pillows off our chair to "cover" us. I put the boys on their Boppy Loungers and put them in the tub...I was all prepared for the storm. The sirens continue to go off and I decide I am going to be brave and look I peak out of the hallway to look outside and of course it scared me to death and so I quickly make my way back to the bathroom. I walk in to the boys showing all of their fear..ha ha!!! I got so tickled at myself and then at them that all I could do was sit in the floor and laugh! These pictures do not do it justice but I had to share them! For those of you who have had the unfortunate experience of being with me during bad weather, I know you are extremely amused by this story!

1 comment:

Johnny, Lisa and Lucy Little said...

They are SO sweet! I can just see ya'll all piled up in the tub! Hopefully the comic relief helped some of your fear ~ they are already taking such good care of their Mama!